Humboldt Bay Symposium
The 2021 Humboldt Bay Symposium was webcast via Zoom on September 28-30th, 2021. The theme was “Sustainable Blue Economy” which highlights the importance of coastal and ocean resources in our region as well as the potential for synergy among existing and proposed future activities. September 30th was hosted by the SLRI and dedicated to SLR topics.
Presentations from the Humboldt Bay Symposium Day 3: SLR can be viewed from the Cal Poly Humboldt SLRI Digital Commons using the links below:
- SLRI Introduction by the SLRI co-chairs – Dr. Laurie Richmond and Adam Canter
- Humboldt Bay SLR Planning: Past, Present, and Future – Aldaron Laird
- Surf and Turf: How Active Tectonic Processes Contribute to Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Northern California – Dr. Jay Patton
- SLRI Member Research Lightning Talks:
- Exploring community knowledge and perceptions of flooding and sea-level rise in King Salmon, California – Kristina Kunkel
- Social science research on regional coordination and collaboration of sea level rise planning and adaptation on Humboldt Bay – Kristen Orth-Gordinier
- Cultural continuity and revitalization under SLR – Hilanea Wilkinson
- Where do we go from here? SLR risk to a spent nuclear fuel site on Humboldt Bay – Dr. Jen Marlow & Alexander Brown
- Environmental Resources Engineering Senior Capstone designs for sea level rise mitigation on Humboldt Bay – Dr. Eileen Cashman
- Prioritizing Contaminated Sites at risk from SLR – Jen Kalt
- SLR Economics & Policy Update
- The economics of sea level rise in California: with an application to Humboldt Bay – Dr. Philip King
- State policy update – Kip Lipper
- Regional SLR Planning on Humboldt Bay Panel with representatives from Humboldt County, City of Arcata, City of Eureka, Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District, Wiyot Tribe, and California Coastal Commission
- Closing Statements by the SLRI co-chairs – Dr. Laurie Richmond and Adam Canter
Humboldt Sea Level Rise Public Forum
With Aldaron Laird, Environmental Planner: This is the first of a series of public forums to learn more about sea level rise planning and projects in our region. This first forum will feature the Caltrans District 1 Climate Change Adaptation branch chief Clancy De Smet, who will share the efforts regarding Highway 101 Corridor sea level rise adaptation planning, stakeholder engagement, and other highway segments vulnerable to sea level rise.
Click here to view the presentation recording.